Objective: As the holiday season approached, United Way of the National Capital Area wanted to bring attention to challenges these hard-working families face every day.
Approach: To cast the problem in the sharpest possible relief, we placed a storefront window display among the high-end retail stores and trendy restaurants of Bethesda’s Pike & Rose district. In this upscale setting, the display appears to tout the latest gift ideas for the holidays, i.e. “the season’s must-haves.” But rather than advertising designer fashions or expensive gadgets, we highlight seemingly mundane items such as fresh produce or school supplies. A QR code takes the viewer to a landing page which explains the difficulty many people have in obtaining these simple, yet vital needs. The page provides visitors an opportunity to make a donation to United Way NCA, and to bring some joy and dignity to struggling families in the National Capital Area.
Year of Completion: 2021
Disciplines: Out of Home, UX/UI Design
Kind of Project: Out of Home, Print Design,
Digital Design
Digital Design